Did you know..?

Did you know..?

Insomnia linked to stroke risk. Insomnia

seems to increase the risk of stroke

particularly in people under 50, a major study

in the US has found. Symptoms of insomnia

included difficulty getting to sleep, waking up

during the night, waking up too early and not

feeling well enough rested. The researchers

found that the people who had one to four

symptoms were 16% more likely to have a

stroke than those who had none. And those

with five to eight symptoms had a 51%

increased risk of stroke. However, those with

five to eight symptoms who were under 50

had four times the risk of stroke. Neurology


More avoid ‘depressing news’. A global

study has found that the number of people

taking a strong interest in the news has

dropped by around a quarter in the last six

years. Some 48% of people around the world

are very or extremely interested in the news –

down from 63% in 2017. In the UK, the

proportion is lower than the global average at

43%, found researchers from Oxford

University’s Reuters Institute. The authors of

the report said they found that audiences “cut

back on depressing news and look to protect

their mental health”. BBC


Eating earlier lowers health risks. Every

hour’s delay in eating breakfast is linked to a

6% increased risk of heart disease, according

to anew study. Eating after 9pm is linked to a

28% higher risk of stroke, while a longer pause

between supper and breakfast is linked with a

lower risk of stroke. This is according to a

European study of 100,000 people, where the

cohorts average age was 42; 79% were

women. Cardiovascular disease is the leading

cause of death worldwide; it takes 18 million

lives each year and around 8 million of those

deaths are diet-related. The scientists say

their study shows it’s not just what we eat that

matters, but when we eat it. World Economic



Exercise boosts work performance. One in

three women and one in four men aren’t as

physically active as they should be, accordin

to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Research found that regular exercise helps

prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases,

improves physical and mental well-being and

makes you better at your job. According to a

recent study, daily physical activity directly

impacts your next day at work as it

contributes to higher quality sleep, higher

energy levels and focus capabilities. WHO

recommends 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity

or 1.25 hours of high-intensity physical activity

each week to achieve those positive

outcomes. WHO


Global economy faces weak growth. The

global economy is heading for its worst halfdecade

of growth in 30 years, according to an

annual report released this week by the Word

Bank. It predicts that 2024 will be a third

straight year of slowing growth, with advanced

economies — including the Eurozone —

of just 12%, down

from 15% in 2023. The slow growth could

leave many developing countries “stuck in a

‘. The reasons for this include “paralysing

levels of debt and tenuous access to food for

nearly one out of every three people’.

Meanwhile, according to the Intemational

Labour Organisation, global unemployment

could also increase in 2024 after dipping in

2023. World Bank


Trump would beat Biden. Donald Trump

would secure the US presidency in a race

against Joe Biden, according to a new study.

With Trump at 47% support and Biden at 43%,

the poll is the first by the paper to give the

Republican the lead in a head-to-head

contest with the Democrat. Bidens

satisfaction rating has fallen to a record low

with just 37% of those surveyed saying they

were content with his performance. Trump’s

lead on Biden grows to six points if a thirdparty

candidate enters the race. Wall Street






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